Monday, October 24, 2011

The Dangerous Effects in Underage Drinking

In any Australian gathering, beer and other alcoholic beverages are usually present. In this country, drinking is socially acceptable. Many Australians like to drink as it is socially acceptable to them. It is regarded as one of the reasons of the growing incidence of underage drinking.

The legal drinking age in Australia is 18 years old. Anyone under 18 years old who consumes alcohol is considered as an incident of underage drinking. There are several studies why underage drinking should not be promoted to minors. One factor is that the human body is still at its growing age and is not yet fully developed. Consumption of alcohol may affect the brain and body development.

There are serious health problems with underage drinking. These effects include:

1. stroke and seizures

2. anemia

3. cirrhosis

4. irregular heart rhythm and possibly heart attack

5. depression, schizophrenia and anxiety disorders

6. an increased risk to cancer


Bodies of teenagers are smaller than adults and less tolerant to alcohol consumption. This is a reason why underage drinking also has immediate risks. Intoxication can lead them to have the following:

1. hangover

2. headaches

3. poor balance

4. memory lapses

5. car accidents

6. loss of friends

7. nausea and vomiting

Other consequences of underage drinking include poor school performance, money problems and losing control.

Even though it is already a way of life for some Australian households to drink alcohol, underage drinking should not be tolerated. Parents should create awareness regarding the short and long term health consequences of underage drinking. Minors should see that alcohol is not good for the health. Good communication between the parents and their children is also important. Minors often drink alcohol because of problems and with parents having a listening ear to the problems of their children, they can point out that drinking is not a solution. It is only a temporary sensation to forget one's problems. Lastly, educating children regarding underage drinking can prevent accidents like the occurrence of drunk driving. Many lives are lost because of it so parents must be vigilant to point this out to children. They should be able to protect their children through the dangers of underage drinking as the role of parents in preventing the dangerous effects of underage drinking is very big.

About the Author

Please visit Under Age Drinking: A platform for discussion for more information about under age drinking .

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