Monday, October 24, 2011

Yum! gluten free baking that's easy and tastes great!

Finally! Gluten-Free baking that's easy and tastes great. Toosie's Gluten-Free offers delicious alternatives to wheat-based foods.  Toosie's starts with great recipes, and then creates proprietary blends of natural ingredients to provide you with delicious, health-conscious alternatives to wheat-based baking.  Toosie's Gluten-Free mixes are perfect for people with food sensitivities and allergies.

Chef Deb Curcio understands the challenges faced by people with celiac disease and those dealing with food allergies and intolerances. As a young adult, she developed allergies to her favorite foods. As a professional chef, she began to rethink her baking recipes and developed a whole line of delicious gluten-free baking mixes.  She made her baked goods available to her customers who visited her restaurant near Breckenridge Colorado. Over the years they encouraged her to make her products available to the public and Toosie's was born.  Toosie's mixes are featured in stores in Summit County, Boulder, and Denver. New markets are opening up and the word is getting out about Toosie's and its fantastic line of gluten-free mixes.

With Toosie's, celiacs have gluten-free options.  Toosie's gluten-free baking mixes include: Toosie's Gluten-Free Waffle and Pancake mix, Toosie's Gluten-Free Muffin Mix, Toosie's Gluten-Free Chocolate Cake mix and more. When you purchase a product from Toosie's your product comes professionally packaged. Every batch is tested using the ELISA Assay test to ensure gluten-free integrity. Your Toosie's mix doesn't come in a plastic bag with a homemade label slapped on it. And Toosie's is not a clearinghouse for someone else's products. When you purchase from Toosie's you know you're dealing with real people who have dealt with food allergies and all the emotional issues that go with them.  Chef Deb is committed to making your life better – starting with your baking!  Gluten-free options for celiacs abound. The biggest complaint about them is they taste bad, or aren't that easy to make.  Toosie's Gluten-free baking mixes break way from the pack in both regards: they're very good and very easy to make!

Visit Toosie's online at and check out the array of gluten-free baking mixes. Try one for yourself and see the difference a chef-created product makes in your baking.  You'll find that gluten-free baking is both easy and tasty with Toosie's.

About the Author

People suffering from celiac and other food-related allergies don't have to give up great taste. For More Information About Gluten-free celiac options And Gluten-free baking mixes Please Visit Our Website.

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